NetApp on NetApp

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Sharing NetApp IT's authentic narrative and experiences. Dark purple background with light purple border.

More cloud. Less cost. Prior to NetApp’s recent acquisition of Spot, two of its IT teams had adopted Spot in…

When NetApp IT upgraded their SAP CRM on-premises landscape, a top concern was minimizing downtime, ensuring speedy backups, safeguarding against…

Inside NetApp IT, our cloud-based automated, self-service CloudOne platform allows us to rapidly deliver infrastructure to help shorten application development…

Customer-1 is responsible for a large-scale storage fleet of more than 100PB of raw storage with 450 storage controllers that…

Matt Brown, NetApp IT’s Executive Director, shares the team’s experience in achieving operational excellence by addressing the challenge of implementing…

Matt Brown, NetApp IT Executive Director, shares the team’s best of cloud strategy: how we decide what cloud to use…

Every week, NetApp Active IQ generates about 100TB of data and 225 million files–and it’s growing! To manage this massive…

​When introducing our CloudOne platform inside NetApp, NetApp IT aimed to allow rapid, frequent production change through Continuous Integration, Continuous…

Over the past couple years, NetApp IT has built out a DevOps platform called CloudOne, providing one consistent developer experience…

By David Garrin, IT Director, End User Services It was not a big surprise in March of 2020 when NetApp…